Boudoir Poses: A Long Island Boudoir Photography Tutorial #1
Posing for the camera can feel awkward, particularly when—as is generally the case with boudoir photoshoots—you’re wearing lingerie, or, nothing at all.
But there is a science to it and I will be sharing a series of blog posts to highlight important aspects of boudoir posing.
Pose Secret #1: S-Curves
Boudoir poses are designed to create s-shapes and beautiful feminine lines.
Even when I shoot women for fitness, I take great care to make sure my client looks strong but feminine.
The truth is, making those shapes takes some work.
Although they might make it look easy, those Victoria’s Secret models are really working their bodies to create all those swooshy lines in the beautiful black and white images that hang in VS shops.
If you want to test this, download a few images from one of their campaigns, stand in front of a mirror, and recreate the poses. You’ll quickly discover just how much they’re stretching their bodies, pushing their hips, curving their backs, and crossing their limbs. It can literally feel like you’re turning your body into a pretzel.
But as I tell my clients, don’t stress it. It might feel weird, but it will look incredible!
An experienced boudoir photographer who’s also skilled at posing, will know how to guide her client through poses that will:
Create those sultry s-shapes
Optimize her particular figure
Play up the features she loves most
AND play down any features she doesn’t
WITHOUT making her client look stiff and uncomfortable!
Don't let fear of not knowing how to pose stop you from experiencing the incredible esteem boost my clients enjoy! As I tell my clients, posing is my job. Set up a phone or zoom consult and let me ease your concerns.
I look forward to chatting with you!